custom gaskets

custom gaskets


Our customers come to us frequently asking about different aspects of gaskets – tolerancing, materials, thicknesses, etc. All of these can change the cost of the gasket. We thought we would make a blog on the Top 3 Tips for Making a Gasket more cost effective. 

1. Utilize a popular specification/thickness.

One of the things with gasket materials is there are many military/aerospace specifications to choose from. One of the things you can do to make your gasket economically effective is to select a well known specification. This does a few things:

A. Many converters should know what it is. Not all die-cutters are as savvy, and persistent as we are. If met with an uncommon specification you may receive a “no-quote”. 

B. It may reduce cost. Having a well known specification may mean that many rubber manufacturers make the material often enough that you can utilize that economy of scale too.

2. Test different materials!

I don’t know how many times we have seen a customer specify fluorosilicone, or Viton before testing other materials first. While we understand that sometimes expensive materials are required for applications, keep in mind there may be a cheaper alternative available!

3. Consult with your local converter/die-cutter before publishing the print. 

There may be features on the print that could be loosened up or changed that may make the part more cost effective to make. Examples include GD&T features such as true position, or profile of a surface. We understand that not everything can be easily changed, and some requirements need to stay, however a quick consultation with your local die-cutter doesn’t hurt either. 

Other Cost Reducers:

One often overlooked portion of the print is the adhesive backing of the gasket. If you’re not careful, this could run up the cost too. Check out our blog on choosing an adhesive backing for your gasket.

For more information on making your gasket more cost effective or you believe you have an application that could utilize a gasketing material, please contact

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