Laser Cutting Services, Custom Laser Cutting
Epoxy Preforms, Bonding Films, Tapes, and Shim Stock

Laser Cutting Machine

LCD Gaskets, Touchscreen gaskets

LCD Gaskets, Touchscreen gaskets
Benefits of Laser Cutting
-No tooling cost
With conventional die cutting, unique shapes can be expensive in tooling cost. With laser cutting no tooling cost is required, because there is no tool, except the laser machine itself!
-Simple DXF allows for easy cutting
Laser Cutting requires only an electronic file such as a DXF to function. These files give the machine instructions of how to cut, when to cut, and where to cut. Customers will ask us if there is an NRE for DXFs when laser cutting parts, however there is not.
-Highly precise tolerancing
With conventional die cutting, meeting certain tolerance expectations on highly complex parts can be a challenge. However, tolerancing has never been tighter on laser cutting machines. Our machines can provide some dimensions as tight as +/- .002” depending on the material.
-High material utilization
Part of offering laser cutting services is also to attempt to give the customer the best price possible. We can nest parts in different directions, and orientations to make the best possible use of the material we have. Some materials can be expensive, so material utilization becomes very important.
-Lots of room for adjustments because of no tooling
One of the downsides of using conventional die cutting is that once the tool is made it can be difficult to adjust. For example, if a diameter is the wrong size, we may be able to fix it but sometimes we cannot. With laser cutting you can easily adjust things to make them smaller, bigger, longer, or wider. Nothing is set in stone with laser cutting software. This can be a huge benefit when cutting prototypes, or even when doing revision changes of parts.
-Low quantity runs
We would not say laser cutting machines do not move fast. However, laser cutting oftentimes hits it stride at lower quantity runs. With lower quantities, the mix of no tooling cost, room for adjustment, and high material utilization produces a large value proposition.
Drawbacks of CO2 Laser Cutting
-Some materials just don’t cut.
At some point I want to do a blog on this, however SILICONE RUBBER does not laser cut. Let me repeat that again for emphasize. Laser cutting is not good for SILICONE RUBBER MATERIALS. They cannot be laser cut. There are some people that will tell you it can be done. However, while it can be theortically done, its going look awful. Its going look like residue from cooking something way too much.
In addition, there are other materials that cannot cut too well, especially thicker rubbers/materials.
-Quanities of Parts can be a challenge
With larger quanities of parts, laser cutting can become a challenge because its very difficult to cut large quantities of parts when each feature is required to be cut one by one. Die-Cutting for example can cut hundreds of holes simultaneously.
How About Laser-Cut Gaskets?
Customers ask a lot about laser-cut gaskets. Heres the thing. Most gaskets we cut, are done by waterjet cutting machines, or high precision die-cutting options. It is true we laser-cut gaskets, however it is not our preferred method. We have a lot more tools in the toolshed when it comes to fabricating gaskets into different custom shapes.
Products & Materials:
High-Performance 3M Tapes
At NEDC, we are an authorized converter for the 3M Company. We have access to procure many tapes such as VHB Tapes, Transfer Tapes, Double Sided Tapes, and other unique tape configurations. We utilize our laser cutting services to cut these tapes for our customers. Oftentimes, we use our laser cutting machines to be able to kiss-cut parts. We cut parts to liners to make them easy for our customers to remove off during assembly.
Some common 3M tapes we cut on our laser include:
-VHB Tapes such as 3M 5952, 4941, 5906, 5909, 5907 and others
-Transfer Tapes 3M 9472, 467MP, 9469PC, 9485PC, 9471LE, 9472LE and others
-Double Sided Tapes 3M 7945MP, 415, and others

laser-cut ablefilm preforms

laser-cut ablefilm preforms
Epoxy Film Bonding Adhesives
One of the materials that utilizes our laser cutting services fairly often is Ablefilm®. Ablefilm® and other frozen epoxy film adhesives can be laser cut with these machines. Laser Cutting is one of the only to cut these film adhesives. To produce the small diameters, and interesting, dynamic curves that some circuit boards provide, laser cutting may be necessary. These adhesive bonding films are normally on the thinner side- going as low as .002”. Laser Cutting enables a wide amount of latitude on what is possible to be cut. These can include:
-Tight Tolerancing
-Small Diameters
-Small Preforms
-Many Diameters
-Unique Cutouts
These Ablefilm® products may include 5025E, ECF561E, CF3350, 5020K, and 550K.
Kraft Papers/Pressboard
Paper products traditionally do very well during the laser cutting process. Kraft Paper is also a great candidate for our laser cutting machine. We can cut Kraft Paper, Fishpaper, and Vulcanized Fiber. These materials come in different densities, weights, and specifications.
Plastic Shim Stock/Mylar Polyester
We use laser cutting services to cut many thin plastic like materials. One of the more popular materials is thin polyester(PET, or PETG). These materials are usually color coded to designate thickness. In addition, some other materials besides polyester can be used as shim stock. Not all plastics can be cut on our laser cutting machine but many can be.
More Information on Laser Cutting Services/Machines
NEDC owns and operates several laser cutting machines. As part of our laser cutting services, NEDC is use to demanding requirements placed on custom cut laser parts. As a result, these lasers operate with very precise accuracy, carrying the ability to hold some parts within a +/- .002” tolerance. It is good to keep in mind that laser machines are limited to a certain thickness of all materials. The ability to cut thick materials on a CO2 laser is also a function of the amount of the power the laser is able to produce.
However, it is good to keep in mind that while laser cutting can be a solution of a lot of challenges, there are some materials our laser has trouble with. These materials include metals, thicker plastics, and other materials. For more information on laser cutting, or you believe you have a part could be potentially laser cut, please contact
Laser Cutting Blog

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