Tolerancing Recommedations

Tolerancing Recommedations

 One difficult thing for the team is when a tight tolerance is put on a thermal interface material. Some of our customers understand, gap filling materials are putty like. Alternatively, thin thermal pads are usually coatings coated on a reinforcement layer such as fiberglass. Meeting tight tolerances on a putty like material can be tough. In the die-cutting industry, we see reasonable tolerancing and also extreme tight tolerancing. In this blog post, we thought we would discuss some tolerancing suggestions for thermal interface pads. For this blog post, we broke up the suggestions into two different types of thermal pad categories.


One giant caveat is this:

-These suggestions do not mean:

  1. On any given print NEDC can meet these tolerances.
  2. On any given print NEDC cannot meet these tolerances.

Thin Thermal Pads (coatings on fiberglass/reinforced substrates)- includes thermal tapes, phase change materials, thermal coated aluminum grease replacements

0.005’’-0.100’’ .100-1.000’’ 1.000-5.000’’ 5.000’’-12.000’’ 12.00’’+
Thickness Tolerance

+/- 10%

follow manufacturers recommendations)

Diameter Tolerance +/- .005’’ +/- .010’’ +/- .015’’ +/- .030’’ Advise
Location Tolerance of Cutouts +/- .010’’ +/- .015’’ +/- .015’’ +/- .020’’ Advise
Linear Dimensions +/- .010’’ +/- .010’’ +/- .015’’ +/- .020’’ Advise

Thermal Gap Filler Pads (thermal gap filler pads)

0.005’’-0.100’’ .100-1.000’’ 1.000-5.000’’ 5.000’’-12.000’’ 12.00’’+
Thickness Tolerance +/- 10%( follow manufacturers recommendations) +/- 10%( follow manufacturers recommendations) N/A N/A N/A
Diameter Tolerance +/- .010’’ +/- .015’’ +/- .020’’ +/- .040’’ Advise
Location Tolerance of Cutouts +/- .015’’ +/- .020’’ +/- .025’’ +/- .040’’ Advise
Linear Dimensions +/- .015’’ +/- .020’’ +/- .025’’ +/- .040’’ Advise

More Info:

For more information on thermal interface pads, or you believe you have an application that could utilize thermal pads, please contact


Downloadable PDF Tolerancing Suggestions

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