garlock style 3000

garlock style 3000

At NEDC, engineered options are our thing. In this blog, we wanted to discuss all of the Garlock options that are under the BLUE-GARD® brand. These materials are non-asbestos, aramid fiber gaskets that are compressed with different binders. 

Popular Garlock BLUE-GARD® Options

Small Comment: At NEDC, the very first material I learned about was Garlock Style 3000. Its a Nitrile binder in Aramid Fibers, and has a blue tint- the material is very hard..and is provided in sheets.. Although at some thicknesses it can be rolled. 

Garlock BLUE-GARD® Style 3000 Compressed Fiber- Aramid Fibers/NBR(Nitrile) Binder

Garlock BLUE-GARD® Style 3200 Compressed Fiber- Aramid Fibers/SBR(Styrene-Butadiene) Binder

Garlock BLUE-GARD® Style 3300 Compressed Fiber- Aramid Fibers/Neoprene Binder

Garlock BLUE-GARD® Style 3400 Compressed FIber- Aramid Fibers/SBR(Styrene-Butadiene) Binder

Garlock BLUE-GARD® Style 3700 Compressed Fiber- Aramid Fibers/EPDM Binder 

Applications of Garlock BLUE-GARD® Options

These gasketing materials are used for high-performance gasketing solutions. These materials are a little harder than your typical gasketing material. They also offer much larger temperature ranges than your conventional gasketing materials, offering -100° to 700° F in some cases, which is extreme temperature ranges for gasketing materials. 

More Information on Converting

NEDC die-cuts, and waterjet cuts Garlock into custom shapes/sizes for customers. In addition, NEDC applies adhesive tapes to custom gaskets. For more information on Garlock Styles mentioned above, or you think you have an application that could utilize Garlock- please contact

Datasheet Downloads of Garlock BLUE-GARD® Materials

Datasheet Download Garlock Style 3000

Datasheet Download Garlock Style 3200

Datasheet Download Garlock Style 3300

Datasheet Download Garlock Style 3400

Datasheet Download Garlock Style 3700

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