connector gaskets, expanded wire

connector gaskets, expanded wire, fluorosilicone, silicone

At NEDC, EMI Gaskets are a core product for us. One of the popular types of EMI Gasketing is the expanded wire gaskets. These gaskets provide an environmental seal and EMI shielding under high pressures. Typically this type material is provided in connector gaskets, however other shapes are available.

What are Expanded Wire Gaskets?

Expanded wire gasketing is essentially polymer materials such as different rubber selections filling voids left in expanded, or woven wire materials. The elastomer portion provides the environmental seal, while the wire provides the EMI Shielding. There is a table below that details out the different options available. Shielding effectiveness/performance for each configuration varies depending on the make-up of the gasket.

What’s Popular for Expanded Wire Gasketing Materials?

Silicone Rubber per A-A-59588 Class 2B Grade 50 in Monel Wire per QQ-N-281, color gray is perhaps the most popular version of these type gaskets. This is because monel wire provides great durability, while being balanced by silicones high temperature range. These materials are used in waveguides, and connector gaskets. 

emi testing equipment, emi/rfi gasket

emi testing equipment, emi/rfi gasket

Specifications/Properties Available for Expanded Wire Gaskets

Engineering Note: Not each polymer is available with each metal, nor each thickness.

Polymers Available Metals Available
Silicone Rubber per A-A-59588 Class 2B Grade 50 Aluminum Alloy 5056 per AMS-4182 
Silicone Rubber per AMS-3302D QQ-A-250/2 3003 AL Aluminum
Neoprene Rubber per AMS-3222 Monel Wire per QQ-N-281B
Fluorosilicone Rubber per MIL-R-25988 Expanded Copper
Expanded Nickel
Expanded Stainless Steel

Thicknesses available are usually .016’’ +/- .004”,  .020’’ +/- .004”, and .030’’ +/- .004”. Note with these EMI/RFI expanded foil, and wire options, these materials are provided in 12” width rolls, so be cautious when designing EMI gaskets that they are not too large. 

Availability/More Information

NEDC die-cuts many expanded wire EMI/RFI gasketing options. For more information on expanded wire gaskets or EMI gaskets, please contact

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