thin vhb tapes

thin vhb tapes, 5909

At NEDC it seems like everything is getting smaller. Gaps to fill, parts to cut, leadtime to place.. Another thing that keeps getting smaller is electronics. With 3M VHB Tapes, there is no problem there. 3M VHB Tapes are used globally, and provide assistance with the technology that drives our everyday lives. At one time, permanent bonds would be a challenge with thin cross sections. Now, with 3M Thin Foam VHB Tapes, there is no problem.

Properties & Different Availability of Thin VHB Tapes

There are a few different variations of 3M VHB Tapes available, 5907, 5908, 5906, 5909, 4914, and others. These tapes have a thin profile. These tapes absorb stress and shock. Similar to other VHB Tape Products, these tapes replace conventional fasteners by providing a permanent, durable bond that we are used to with VHB. Due to their closed-cell nature of the foam the tapes are made up of, these tapes prevent water intrusion by providing a great gasket, or seal. As mentioned, applications revolve around electronics due to the thin VHB Tapes nature of being aesthetically pleasing while also providing great durability amidst the significant stresses of daily drops, impacts, and rattling. Applications include: tablets, phones, laptops, notebooks, auto displays, medical displays, and smart speakers.

3M VHB Tape Options for Thin Profiles

5906(.006’’) .15mm

5907(.008’’) .20mm

5908(.010’’) .25mm

5909(.012’’) .30mm

4914(.010’’) .25mm

More Information on Thin VHB Tapes

These tapes are self-wound on PET liners and paper liner for 4914. VHB Thin Foam Tapes are easy to die-cut and apply. NEDC is an authorized 3M Converter meaning we can provide all of these materials in die-cut formats, or kiss-cut formats. All of these tapes mentioned above come in a dark black color and the 4914 in white. For more information on thin profile VHB Tapes, or you have a question about 3M VHB Tapes, please contact


VHB Tape Thin Products Datasheet (5906, 5907, 5908, 5909)

VHB Info Datasheet (includes 4914 Data)

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