gap pad vous

gap pad vous

At NEDC, we manufacture lots of gap filling pads. In this blog, we discuss some thermal gel pads. All of these Gap Pad materials are used to isolate electronics while providing great thermal properties. Oftentimes customers get confused thinking Gap Pad VO, Gap Pad VOS, and Gap Pad VOUS are the same – THEY ARE DIFFERENT. However, they are very similar with some similarities below. 

Common Properties Across Thermal Pads

-Electrically Isolating

-All have Sil-Pad fiberglass reinforcement, featuring great cut-through resistance.

-Very conformable, that is presented by its low hardness.

-Available with pressure sensitive adhesive on the Sil-Pad side(AC)

-All Gap Pads below have relatively low thermal conductivity, but their thermal performance is exceptional considering this.

-All come with natural tack one side.

-All are flame retardant per UL 94V0 rating.

Gap Pad VO

Gap Pad VO aka GAP PAD TGP 800VO is a cost-effective thermal gap filling pad that still features great thermal performance at an economic scale. It is still pretty soft with a Young’s Modulus of 100 psi. It has a bulk rubber hardness of 40(shore 00)The thermal performance is still great at 2.24 (°C-in2 /W) @ 30% strain. It has a thermal conductivity of 0.8 W/m-K. Thicknesses available are .020’’ to .200’’. 

Gap Pad VOS

Gap Pad VOS aka GAP PAD TGP 800VOS has a low modulus. I see Gap Pad VOS as a middle of the road option that is economical, not too soft, but still has incredible thermal performance. It has a bulk rubber hardness of 25(shore 00). It still has great thermal performance at 2.11 (°C-in2 /W) @ 30% strain. It has a pink color from the Sil-Pad. Its Young’s Modulus is 40 psi, still very soft, but not the softest Gap Pad available. Lastly, it has a thermal conductivity of 0.8 W/m-K. Thicknesses available are .020’’ to .200’’

Gap Pad VOUS

Gap Pad VOUS aka GAP PAD TGP 1000VOUS has a gel-like modulus, and features the highest level of softness out of the 3 thermal pads. It has a bulk rubber hardness of 5(shore 00). It also has the lowest thermal impedance out of the bunch of 1.68 (°C-in2 /W)  @ 30% strain. It has a pink color from the Sil-Pad. Its Young’s Modulus is 8 psi, among some of the softest gap filling pads you will ever see. Lastly, it has a thermal conductivity of 1 W/m-K. Thicknesses available are .020’’ to .250’’.

For more information on Gap Pad materials, or you believe you have an application for Gap Filling Pads, please contact

Gap Pad VOUS Datasheet Download

Gap Pad VOS Datasheet Download

Gap Pad VO Datasheet Download

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